Thursday, November 26, 2009

Early Christmas gifts this year - New FreeBSD & Haskell versions

A lot of interesting news this week:

In the Haskell camp, Haskell 2010 was officially announced by Simon Marlow! This is the first update to language specification since Haskell 98 over a decade ago. The language committee has been working on this for the last four or so years. What's more, from now on there will be an annual release schedule to keep the language up to date.

Meanwhile the FreeBSD guys released version 8.0 early this week. It hasn't been actually announced yet, but it is already available in the repositories. Also distributions have been mirrored internationally.

Coincidentially, I've recently started working on a port of the cabal-install command to FreeBSD. So that I can leverage the full power of my favorite programming language on my favorite operating system.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Multicore Haskell Now!

I just looked through slides of Dons latest talk about concurrent and parallel programming in Haskell.

Shamelessly lifted from the Abstract:
Multicore computers are here: is your programming language ready for it? Haskell is: you can take an off-the-shelf copy of GHC and write high performance parallel programs right now.

If you want to program a parallel machine, a purely functional language such as Haskell is a good choice: purity ensures the language is by-default safe for parallel execution, (whilst traditional imperative languages are by-default unsafe). This foundation has enabled Haskell to become something of a melting pot for high level approaches to concurrent and parallel programming, all available with an industrial strength compiler and language toolchain, available now for mainstream multicore programming

I wish someone would record these talks and put them on Youtube! The talk outlines the various ways to get concurrency and parallelism strategies available in Haskell.

More details about concurrency can be found on the Haskellwiki page.

There is also a whole chapter in the fantastic Real World Haskell devoted to Concurrent and Multicore Programming featuring explicit threads using forkIO, synchronized shared variables in form of MVars. Moreover, there's examples of implicit parallelism - called sparks - showing the application of par & pseq combinators.

Oh btw, there's also a complete chapter about Software Transactional Memory. This is really intriguing. The approaches above relied on explicit locking of shared variables. MVars behave similar to mutexes and semaphores in procedural programming. And they suffer from the exact same problems: deadlocks, race conditions, uncaught exception etc. STM provides a way perform database-like (i.e. ACID) transactions on shared variables including retries and rollbacks. You never have to worry about your shared data again. STM is not unique to Haskell, but for some reason it hasn't caught on in the mainstream yet.

These two chapters cover pretty much everything mentioned in the slides. So you should get a clear idea about concurrency in Haskell.